~Concept Art~

~Map Of Narnia~
Once upon a time long before the films me and my sister (when we were much younger) played narnia on ocasion. We drew up a map and designated spots for places like Lantern Waste, Dancing Lawn, and I think even Cair Paravel....I hope we still have the map my sister drew it up on.
Somtimes without the maps or even with them there was always some disagreement as to weather this landmark should be here or there. Such is the case when one has an imaginary house and people refuse to walk in the "door" like ordinary people and insist upon walking through the "walls".
However we never had an argument about who was to be what caracter. You see our too neighbors were boys. The parts fit us perfectly. I played Lucy. My sister was of course Susan, the oldest boy was Peter and the younger Edmund. Now our "Edmund" was not mean, niether did he tend to have an attitude but he was most like him in the sense that he was much more apt to get himself into trouble than the odler one. He was the only one that possibly disliked his caracter.
The Pevensie Children
The horrified looks of the Pevensie children.
Arival at the camp.
For those of you who don't know already, the girl who plays Queen Lucy at the end of the film is Georgie Henleys older sister Racheal Henley.
P.s. Many thanks to my new followers!! I'll try to folow ya'll back, but I do always have the hardest time finding the 'follow' button on other peoples blogs. lol
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