In Time of Peril by Edmund Blair Leighton
Leighton has long since been one of my favorite artist or more corectly my absolute favorite. His detail is so stunning! I have seen many of his paintings but I stumbled across this one a moment ago and to my surprise have never seen it before.
Sir Galahad by George Fredrick Watts
(Name and Artist Unkown to me)

The Accolade - Edmund Blair Leighton
The Accolade is one of my favorite paintings but for some reason or another I'm having trouble finding one of good quality.
God Speed - Edmund Blair Leighton
I wonder if any of you have noticed that I now have a playlist at the bottom of the page. It took me ages to find out how to do it. haha And if your anything like me you probably had the volume up on you computer...found my blog and when the music started playing your eyes get really big and you start to fumble aroun for the volume trying to turn the sound down, and then you finally figure out what happend.....It was a playlist. I've had that happen to me so many times it's not evern funny....but then again it is. So any way I'm still working on the play list that 's just what I have for will eventually get a lot longer.