Eleanor , Duchess of Aquitaine was the most powerful and most beautiful women in her day. Her first marriage was to Louis the VII of France. Shortly after their marriage they both became King and Queen. But because of complications in their marriage and having no son it was annulled. She then (most likely secretly at first) Married Henry Plantagenet, count of Anjou, who in 1154 became Henry II. Eleanor was once again a queen, but this time she was Queen of England. But she was still the duchess of Aquitaine in France. Henry was nine years younger than she was and very hot tempered. They both were used to having things their way and Eleanor was by no means mild mannered. She had had great influence over her last husband. Louis had loved Eleanor practically beyond reason and let her "run over" him. However during the time they had been married they had no son and he was advised to have it annulled.

Paintings by Kinuko Y. Craft
Eleanor had ten children two with Louis VII and 8 with Henry II. She did not seem to show much remorse in leaving the children she had with Louis when their marriage was annulled. Though there are really only two (to my knowledge) of her children that we recognize to this day, all of her children held high offices, many of them being kings and queens.
Among the more famous of Eleanors children were King Richard the Lion Heart of England
...and John of England who came to be known as John Lackland becasue he hadn't a piece of land to his own name. He is also the Prince John (your familiar with I'm sure) in Robin Hood. He wasn't a very nice fellow to say the very least.